
Intuitive Coaching and Consulting: Where Personal meets Professional
Have you ever considered, or maybe even worked with a life coach but thought it wasn’t exactly the thing you needed? Or maybe you considered a business coach but that didn’t fully feel like it was hitting the mark either?
Might I suggest an alternative approach, a sort of best of both worlds, holistic blend combining aspects of each — life and business. Because the truth is that no matter what we do, no matter how much we may try to separate (or are told to) the two areas will indefinitely overlap, for many of us, this has never been more true or more apparent than it is right now. Especially for creatives, entrepreneurs, holistic business owners, healers, etc.
After nearly 10 years of working in all aspects of social media marketing, while simultaneously embarking on my own self-healing, knowing, discovering, loving journey it finally came to me — I’m meant to blend the two.
Through years of learning by working through my own experience with fear, anxiety, and depression, mental, emotional, and physical “unwellness” I do not claim to have all the answers by any means (please see note at the end!), but I can say that I have gone from living a largely fear-led life to an intuitively-guided one and gained many lessons and insights along the way. My hope and sincere belief is that in sharing them, I may be able to help some others as well.
The beauty of it all is that in so many ways I was my first client - on both sides, personal and professional coaching. There’s a reason why I attract and work with so many multi-faceted creatives, I get you because I am you. I know those unique crevices and corners of the creative mind’s particular kind of anxiety, worry, doubt, and fear. I know the shiny object syndrome and the deep desire to work from a place of service. I get it all. I’ve been there.
This is where it starts to get really good. Right now, almost every single creative pursuing some kind of business that utilizes their gifts is going to be looking to social media for some aspect of sharing and/or growing their business. Cue years of hands-on social media marketing experience and expertise honing. While my intuition has now called me to reach and help more people on a personal level, I know that it will also (at some point) inevitably touch on business, and you’re in luck because by working with me you’ll gain insight, support, and guidance in that area too.
If you'd like to schedule an Intuitive Coaching for Business call, please contact me through my website.
*PLEASE NOTE: I am not a licensed therapist or counselor. These “chats”, coaching calls, intuitive sessions (however you like to think of them) are purely me showing up as a resource